Creating the Invoice Class

The next logical step is configuring how we'll handle invoices. For this application, we'll use LND and its invoice database to power our application. We'll be encoding some basic information into the invoice memo field so our application doesn't need to maintain or synchronize a separate database. In a production system we'd likely use a separate database system, but we've made this decision to keep the application tightly focused.

This time around we'll be using the LND RPC API. This is similar to the REST interface we used in the previous application but uses a binary protocol instead of HTTPS to communicate with the LND node. For the purposes of our application it will be remarkably similar and in reality, the only difference will be how we wire up the application. Which brings us to our next point.

From a software engineering perspective, it's a good practice to isolate our application logic from the specifics of the underlying data persistence mechanism. This rule is often conveyed when working with relational databases systems where it would be poor form for your database tables to dictate how your application logic functions. This is no different than working with Lightning Network nodes! We break out our code so that we can tightly focus the critical application bits from the logic of how we retrieve that information. A by-product is that we could switch from LND to c-lightning or Eclair without having to change our core application logic!

To achieve this decoupling, instead of pinning our application to the structure of invoices in LND's database, we'll create our own Invoice type that is used throughout our application. This also allows us to add some methods to our Invoice type that are domain specific to our application.

You can take a look at the server/src/domain/Invoice class. This class only has properties that the application uses: memo, preimage, hash, value in satoshis, and settlement information.

export class Invoice { constructor( public memo: string, public preimage: string, public hash: string, public valueSat: string, public settled: boolean = false, public settleDate?: number ) {} // Methods not shown... }

Exercise: Implement createMemo

Our application is going be encoding some information into the memo field. We need to be careful about making the memo field too large but for our applications sake we'll construct the memo as such:


The linkId is going to be a 32-byte value (64 hex encoded characters). As we discussed in the last section, the linkId is the current point of the game. We use the linkId to help us identify which point of the game the invoice was for.

The buyerId is the 33-byte public key (66 hex encoded characters) of the node that we are generating the invoice for. In this case, if Bob requested an invoice to pay, this value would be the public key of Bob's Lightning Network node.

Go ahead and implement the createMemo method in server/src/domain/Invoice class according to the rule specified.

public static createMemo(linkId: string, buyer: string) { // Exercise }

When you are finished you can verify you successfully implemented the method with the following command:

npm run test:server -- --grep createMemo

Helper Function isAppInvoice.

Now that you create invoices memos we'll need to do the inverse. We need a way to distinguish invoices that the application created from other invoices that the Lightning Network node may have created for other purpose.

We do this with the isAppInvoice method. This method checks whether the memo conforms to the pattern we just created in the createMemo method. This function will only return true when a few conditions have been met:

  1. The invoice's memo field starts with the prefix buy_
  2. The invoice's memo then contains 64 hex characters followed by another underscore
  3. The invoice's memo ends with 66 hex characters.
public isAppInvoice(): boolean { return /^buy_[0-9a-f]{64}_[0-9a-f]{66}$/.test(this.memo); }

Helper Functions linkId and buyerNodeId

We have two more helper methods that will be useful for our application. We want a quick way to extract the link identifier and the buyer's public key from the memo. We'll do this by implementing two helper methods that grab these values from the memo field. These two methods are very similar.

public get linkId(): string { return this.memo.split("_")[1]; } public get buyerNodeId(): string { return this.memo.split("_")[2]; }

Exercise: Implement createPreimage

The last method we'll need on the Invoice class is a helper method that allows us to construct the preimage for an invoice. If you recall that we're going to generate the preimage using three pieces of data:

  1. The server's signature of the current link identifier
  2. A signature of the current link identifier created by the person trying to become the leader
  3. The satoshis that they will pay to become the leader.

We concatenate these values and use sha256 to contain the concatenation inside 32-bytes. Our algorithm looks like:

sha256(alice_sig(seed) || bob_sig(seed) || satoshis)

where || denotes concatenation.

Based on that information, go ahead and implement the createPreimage method in the server/src/domain/Invoice class.

Dev Tip: A sha256 function is available for you to use, you may need to case sats to a string using toString() and you may need to convert the concatenated value into a Buffer using Buffer.from in order to use the sha256 function.

public static createPreimage(local: string, remote: string, sats: number) { // Exercise }

When you are finished you can verify you successfully implemented the method with the following command:

npm run test:server -- --grep createPreimage